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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Femivore’s Dilemma

Ok, I have to post a link to this fabulous New York Times Article. I don't know how I missed it last week, but The Grist reminded me this morning. Considering I referred to myself as Blasphemous Third Wave Feminist, I thought the concept of a "femivore" should be brought up!

"Femivorism is grounded in the very principles of self-sufficiency, autonomy and personal fulfillment that drove women into the work force in the first place. Given how conscious (not to say obsessive) everyone has become about the source of their food — who these days can’t wax poetic about compost? — it also confers instant legitimacy. Rather than embodying the limits of one movement, femivores expand those of another: feeding their families clean, flavorful food; reducing their carbon footprints; producing sustainably instead of consuming rampantly.

The Femivore's Dilemma article has a brought on an onslaught of retaliatory (??) articles and blog posts claiming that the whole "eat whole, eat local" movement isn't friendly to the working woman."

My answer to that is simple.... take one of our Chick Bits....À la carte classes: learn how to shop for your food, how to plan meals for your family and how to incorporate things like greens, grains and beans into your diet without spending all Sunday afternoon soaking your beans and stressing out.

What do you guys think about the latest healthy eating label, Femivore?

Keep it Fresh!


  1. Wow, really? Femivore? If you break that word down into its root words it literally translates as a person or creature that only eats women!

    I think we could come up with a better word for these people... let me take a crack at it... how about Farmer?

  2. Hahah nice Ken! I didn't make up the term, I only enjoy it. ;-) It totally made me giggle and considering my blog post from yesterday, I had to ride the feminism coat-tails.

    I think the author has a point. There is definitely a slow, local, sustainable food movement in progress here. I wish Michael Pollan read our blog and would comment on this.
