Each morning I check my email for my favorite daily digests. Some of my favorites are Ode Magazine (news for Intelligent Optimists) and the Natural News Insider from Health Ranger Mike Adams.Today the Health Ranger posted an article on 25 ways to improve your health in 2010. It's a great list. Rather than repost the entire article, I tweeked it Healthy Chick style listing our 15 favorite recommendations for a healthy 2010. Enjoy!!!
~ Ditch the sugary drinks! Replace carbonated sodas or soft drinks with tea or water.
~ Commit to eating at least one raw fruit (or serving of vegetables) at every meal.
~ Add just 5 minutes a day to your exercise routine. Don't have an exercise routine? Start with 5 minutes a day!
~ Speaking of exercise....Learn some yoga! Yoga is exercise for the mind, body and spirit that will keep you young by ensuring spinal flexibility! Join Lauren at Brahma Yoga on Fridays or Terra at Fair Haven Yoga on Wednesdays!
~ I know it's cold and snowy out, but do your best to get outside at least once a day to soak up a little sun!
~ If you don't already have plants in your home, get them! They purify the air and according to the principals of Feng Shui, a well placed plant can change your family fortunes and harmonize your life!
~ Eat more whole grains Try quinoa! It's a high-protein, low-carb "grain" that can easily replace rice or couscous.
~ Get a good water filter so you can stop drinking bottled water. We recommend
Shaklee's Best Water system~ Take time to pamper yourself!! Take a relaxing hot bath with epsom salts and soothing herbs like lavender. It will do wonders for your mind and your muscles.
~ Get a professional massage! Massage therapy is really, really healthy, and it's a great way to reward yourself for some of the other accomplishments you're making.
~ Take the time to be grateful for at least one thing each morning.
~ Make a point to get at least eight hours of sleep for 2-3 nights a week (or more, if you can). Most people are sleep deprived, and the health cost is enormous.
~ Start visiting local farmer's markets so that you
eat more local food in 2010. You'll be healthier and happier as a result. New Jersey Farmers Markets usually open in May. Find one near you
here. ~ Got a job you don't like? Quit it! Downgrade your lifestyle to live on less money, then
pursue what you really enjoy. Follow your bliss and live the life you love!!!!
~ Make a decision to think of food as
nourishment instead of
entertainment. Eat what your body needs, not what your taste buds desire.
These tips are short and simple and will help keep you on track in 2010. Need more support than 15 quick tips?? If you want to learn how to cook healthy food, gain energy, lose weight or just stay motivated to live a healthy chick life, join the
Healthy Chick Club! It’s an opportunity to benefit from health counseling in a small group environment. The first Healthy Chick Club will be starting at the end of this month and there are only 4 spaces left so don't delay!!
Keep it Fresh! ~Terra