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Friday, July 23, 2010

3 Healthy Chicks - July Newsletter!

Be sure to check out 3 Healthy Chick's July Newsletter packed with a few great summer recipes and other fun summer health tips!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

For love of an Avocado....

Oh dear sweet avocado. I love this little fruit. Stephen and I have a baby avocado plant at home (Avi). Avi is 2 years old and grown from seed by Stephen's grandmother. We're hoping by next summer Avi will start producing delicious fruit for us to enjoy! So, allow me to go on a little about this beautiful fruit.

Besides its subtle, sweet flavor and silky texture, one virtue of the avocado is that only one-sixth of it's fat is saturated, which is a much smaller portion than in meats, butter, cheese or even sour cream. The texture of a ripe avocado is actually a lot like butter. If you have a ripe avocado hanging around and you're guacamole'd out, try using it instead of butter on your morning toast or bagel with a slice of tomato! You can also try avocado instead of cheese on your lunch sandwich. Try sprouted grains bread with tomato, watercress and avocado (add some turkey if you roll with the animal protein).

Avocado is also fabulous in salads!! My friend Missy (who is raw and fabulous) gave me this kale and avocado salad recipe when I was on the 21 day Vegan challenge. It blew my taste buds away. Try it!!

Kale Salad
a head kale (any variety), shredded
1 cup tomato, diced
1 cup avocado, chopped
2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne

In a mixing bowl toss all ingredients together,
squeezing as you mix to wilt the kale and cream the avocado. Dig in and squeeze it with your hands...I think food tastes so much better when you play with it first. ;-)

~Keep it Fresh!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Ways to Keep it Fresh (and exciting) in Summer 2010!

Woah, it's HOT on the Jersey shore. As I drove home from my Wise Mamas Prenatal and Mommy and Me classes last tuesday, the temp actually reached 105?! Seriously, I think 105 is out of line! Regardless, summer is here, it's in full force and everyone should take advantage of it.

Summer is like the season of the possible. The plants are blooming (my cantaloupe plant is currently exploding with fruit on my balcony, thanks to the bumble bees!) and the sun makes you feel vibrant and radiant. The longer days and increased vitamin D makes it feel like we can accomplish anything. The funny thing is, when we feel like we can accomplish anything - we can!

All you have to do is harness that energy, ride the wave of summer and try something new!

Throughout the year, most of us live extremely buys lives. We move through our tasks with an intense pace and oftentimes get stuck in a routine. Don't get me wrong, routine isn't always bad. It's great to have consistency. However, if we choose consistency for the sake of efficiency or simply out of the fear of change our chances for the extraordinary drop. Lack of variety stagnates not only our mind, but our body and heart.

Breaking our routine brings the fresh and exciting into our our life. It keeps us on our toes and every aspect of our life, including our health, vibrant! Sometimes change and trying new things can be scary, but almost always it brings health, vitality and excitement to our lives.

Check out our top 5 ways to Keep it Fresh this summer:

1. Be In the Moment. We’re human beings, not human doings. Let go of the past and the future in order to savor every juicy moment of the present. Surfing is an amazing way to be in the moment while enjoying the summer sun. Don't know how to surf? Take a lesson! Contact Shawn Zappo at Yoga Basin, hit the Asbury Park Boardwalk and catch some waves!

2. Move Your Body and Sweat Once a Day. It will flush toxins from the largest organ of the body – your skin! Movement gets your endorphins pumping, creates more energy and just makes you feel good! Try Terra's Monday 9:00am Soul Sweat class or Lauren's Thursday 9:00am Gentle Haltha class at Asbury Park Dance & Yoga. If you want to really dust off those dancing shoes, check out the other amazing class opportunities at AP Dance including zumba, belly dance, tap, tango, hip hop and caberet. There's no excuse not to shake your groove thang!

3. Try It Raw. Eat more living, fresh foods in the warm months including unprocessed fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. Their vibrant energy and nutrient density will leave you looking and feeling great! For amazing raw cuisine check out The Cinnamon Snail every Sunday at the Red Bank Farmers Market.

4. Add Music To Your Life. Go see or listen to your favorite artist every chance you get. The vibration of your favorite music is so healthy for your mind, body and soul. The Jersey Shore has a rich music history tons of great venues that schedule talented musicians on the regular! Check out a couple of our favorite venues, the Stone Pony and The Saint to catch a great show and dance the night away!

5. Nothing Left To Do But Smile, Smile, Smile. Everyone has heard the saying it takes 13 muscles to smile and 33 to frown, why over do it? Give a friendly smile to each person you encounter throughout your day. At the end of the day, reflect back on how great your day went. Enjoy the happiness you brought to another person’s day!

Whatever adventure or way to Keep it Fresh calls to you, use the summer months to make it happen and fully enjoy your life! Increasing new experiences and excitement in your life can decrease your dependence on artificial stimulants like caffeine and sugar, this naturally leads to vibrant health! When you try new things and keep your life fresh and exciting you will see massive improvements in your physical well being, mental acuity and motivation. Plus you'll have a whole portfolio filled with summer fun!

Keep it Fresh!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Playlist 2010!

As promised in my last newsletter, here is my Summer 2010 Playlist! I create "mix CDs" for each season (yea, I'm a huge nerd, I have years and years of these dating back to when I was a pre-teen recording songs off the radio onto cassette tapes!) and below is this summers. I keep an archive of them and love popping an old one in randomly. It brings me right back to wherever I was in my life at that time. Music is such a wonderful thing and the power of a song can be so moving for so many reasons! It can stir up so many memories and emotions that you didn't even know were still there.
Click on my playlist below to see some of what I've been jammin' out to lately and feel free to share some of your favorite summer 2010 songs below!
Stay cool & rock on!!!
Keep it fresh!
- Lauren