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Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Friend Shout Out

Embracing your community is one of the most important philosophies behind what 3 Healthy Chicks do. A sense of community can be many things and while it can, it doesn't necessarily have to relate to your geographical surroundings. Becoming active in your community and fostering friendships and business relationships is the most significant way to make change. Hiliary Clinton said, "it takes a village" we at 3HC know that what she meant was, it takes a community. ;-)

In fostering our own wellness community, I have decided to start a weekly tradition at the 3 Healthy Chicks blog...The Friday Friend Shout Out. Each Friday we will give a shout out to a person or organization in the wellness community that has touched our life or taught us something about health and wellness or is making health and wellness waves in their community .

I decided to give the firs Friday Friend Shout out to my amazing friend and mentor Taraleigh Silberberg at the Healthy Hippie Magazine. Taraleigh is a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Holistic Health Counselor, Hippie Fashionista and clothing designer, writer, dancer, sex kitten fiance to Dan and all around do-gooder.

Taraleigh is a furor of positive energy taking daily steps to change the world. In her own words she, "inspires people to live green, healthy and happy lives full of love art and music through the Healthy Hippie Magazine." She coaches people "to respect their body by feeding it nourishing whole foods and in turn teaching them a respect for not only themselves but the earth." And "by committing to be myself no matter who wacky people think I am and to have fun while doing it others feel free to let their freak flag fly."

Go Taraleigh! You are amazing!
Check out the Healthy Hippie Magazine for an online subscription.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Health and Science News Today.....

Junk Food Turns Rats Into Addicts....Junk food elicits addictive behavior in rats similar to the behaviors of rats addicted to heroin, a new study finds. Pleasure centers in the brains of rats addicted to high-fat, high-calorie diets became less responsive as the binging wore on, making the rats consume more and more food. The results, presented October 20 at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting, may help explain the changes in the brain that lead people to overeat. Read the full article here.

Is it sad that I don't find these scientific findings shocking? Anyone that has ever ridden the sugar-salt roller coaster knows that junk food is addicting. No One Can Eat Just One. Right? Perhaps it's the conspiracy theorist in me that rolls my eyes and and wants to scream "duh!!!!" at the world? I also know that industrial food corporations (Kraft, Nestle, General Mills, Kellog etc.) are simply looking out for their bottom line.

Unfortunately, their bottom line is a fiduciary responsibility to their share holders. That duty is to make the share holder's wallet fat. Making the waistline of the American public fat, the corporations are raking in the dollars. I can pretty much guarantee if it were possible to file a Freedom Of Information Act request to review the files of the top corporations you would find that ever elusive needle in a haystack pointing the direction to a fat wallet. I can only imagine there are years of corporate scientific findings stating additives, such as high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils lead to excess eating and therefore higher sales and a better investment return. Just as heroin addicts require more and more of the drug to feel good, rats (Americans!??) needed more and more of the junk food.

On a side note, when I googled "junk food" for an image for this blog entry, the image that I found (and used) was originally from a post about National Junk Food Day, which apparently took place on July 21st this year. Serioulsy? I mean....SERIOUSLY? Do Americans really need a day actually designated to eat more junkfood? BAH! Do you know what the kicker is? The BIG RED weight loss advertisement right below it reading "Do you try diet after diet only to have your lost weight come right back?"

I might add "make eating kale a national day" on to the 3HC to do list. I should contact the people at EatMoreKale.com.

As for me, I am going to munch on a little junk food provided by Mother Nature. It's round, red, crisp, sweet and goes by the name of McIntosh.

Keep it Fresh!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bon Voyage!!

Tomorrow, one of the 3 Healthy Chicks is embarking on an incredible journey.

Jill is leaving for Kigali, Rwanda to spend time with her significant other and for 8 months of volunteer work. Jill will be updating the blog about her travels and experiences remotely. It will be an incredible journey to follow.

Keep it Jersey Fresh in Rwanda, Jill!
We love you and will miss you so very much!